ilovemagic's Profile


Joined on Feb 8, 2021
Status Level: Experienced

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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ilovemagic's Quizzes

ilovemagic's Recent Posts

  • Valentine's Day rp
    "(Ok, so u can take over this rip cause I will no longer be on gotoquiz, sorry)"
  • Cat Writing Contest
    "Hey sorry, but I will no longer be on gotoquiz, so I won’t be able to give you the rest of the story"
  • "(Hey, guys, I’m sorry but I will no longer be on gotoquiz because my parents don’t allow it, now they know and I’m blocked from it. Umm, you"
  • Valentine's Day rp
    "cs name: pronouns: appearance: personality: age/14-17: secret: loved pet: other:"
  • Valentine's Day rp
    "this is for people who don't feel love, like me, and valentine's is one of the worst times. so, let's make characters that start out like us..."
  • "(when does classes start, or are they postpone cause of the Fallen) Storm need to practice her magic, she grabbed her spell boo"
  • "(I forgot, who all is in the dorm?)) storm stated pacing. her eyes switching from blue to red to neon yellow, with ever step."
  • ""yes, it's really weird, I wonder where they went." storm felt weird, something is wrong, again. aah, I am getting tried of this."
  • "(I know, but storm doesn't)"
  • ""hey, has anyone seen snowflake lately? or the others?""
  • "(back in the dorm room))"
  • ""come on, we should look for the others," and come up with a plan, she thought."
  • ""yes, we need to be careful, I can feel it, something's coming," storm looked into sunny's eyes."
  • ""they stoped..." storm said. "but whoever that was, I'm pretty sure she was saying, 'bow to shadne..." her eyes literally flashed with uncer..."
  • "they walked down the halls, following the yells."

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