Can You Escape The City of Ember?

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Some random words for ya'll: Young, Death, Grape, Aesthetic, Short, Day, Fly, Cat, Water, Dragon, Wall, Cloud, Pizza, Computer, Fries, Winter, Leaves.

More: Clock, Bracelet, Hat, Tree, Chart, Green, Bear, Fire, Paper, Floor, Screen, Outside, Door, Table, Checkers, Desk, Poison, Air, Plants, Breakfast!

Created by: FriesBeforeGuysUwU
  1. Family: You live with your father and little sister, Lily.
  2. There is a meeting. Your father gathers you and Lily, and the three of you head out the door. How do you feel?
  3. You get to the square, but to your surprise, it wasn't the the mayor making the announcement. It was your neighbor, Mrs. Murdo, and the head of the pipeworks, Lister Munk! They announced that they had found the way out of Ember, in the pipeworks! All of the sudden, chaos erupts around you. You lose your father and Lily. What do you do now?
  4. It doesn't matter what you chose, because you were knocked to the ground. Now what?
  5. You managed to get out of the way of all the people. (Yes, even if you curled into a ball.) You hear a little girl crying. It sounds like Lily! Now what?
  6. Let fate decide.
  7. Okay, uh, it says I need at least 10 questions.
  8. LINK TO LILY'S BEAUTIFUL FACE!!! [no urls]?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2F[no urls]%2Fpin%2F190066046751124792%2F&psig=AOvVaw2HM4GNiOjMsVlQiq_bzAgl&ust=1614283690327000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNCvn8Kpg-8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
  9. By the way, Lily was adopted, just to clarify since she most likely looks NOTHING like you.
  10. Last question: Did you enjoy my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Can I Escape The City of Ember?
