click here if your bored

"you need to write these pargraphs or else!"me- welllllll hmm umm but.. honestly, srsly, bro, what if i dont wanna? I DONT WANNAAAAAAAAAAA so you cnt make me.

well here. this is boredom quiz. now.. time for you to loose brain cells. ushdiugshfjkugfiknybdgfnulfcbgfnrkhchbgfnkcjbhfncukcjhbnxkjcbfhncjdsxnhckjdbvhnxiedm

Created by: djlovestar38
  1. how bored are you
  2. do you hve a bike?
  3. do you like this quiz?
  4. are you tired?
  5. how big is your family?
  6. jhfuikhfd.ihj
  7. do these questions count?
  8. 8ty
  9. do you like desert?
  10. how much time do you spend in front of a screen?

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Quiz topic: Click here if my bored

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