djlovestar38's Profile

Joined on Jul 2, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
djlovestar38's Quizzes
- DO YOU DESERVE HALO OR HORNS?[published: Jul 10, 2020, 1 comment]
command;copy command;pasteAbove your quiz there will be two paragraphs that introduceand explain……
- click here if your bored[published: Jul 03, 2020]
"you need to write these pargraphs or else!"me- welllllll hmm umm but.. honestly, srsly, bro, what if i……
djlovestar38's Recent Posts
"also how do i change my profile pic? i love green, but......"
"*tries to understand what is going on when she randomly bumps into a chat*"
djlovestar38's Recent Quiz Comments
"exactly what a wanted tank u also i might have my frends come here to idk \_("/)_/"
1 -
"idk im srsly thinking of running away.. um, bc my only freinds are on the internet, um, my parents mentally abuse me, they dont even…"
2 -
"i got zero too.. i think hes actully my type"