which common personality type are you?

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this is a just-for-fun quiz telling you what your personality might be like!!!!!! have fun! I hope you do!!! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P also pls do not get mad if you don't get the answer you want..... I don't care how you rate it!!!!! oh also please tell the truth, answer honestly, otherwise, u won't get good results.

what am I supposed to write for this paragraph? I think I need a certain amount of letters. 92... 98... wait spaces count??? AN INJUSTICE!!!!!!! oh well hahaha :P yay! I did the right amount! ok byeee

Created by: :P
  1. someone trips and falls down in front of you. what do you do?
  2. someone comes up to you and says, "hi, I'm new here. will you be my friend? what do you say?
  3. you walk by someone on the playground. as you pass, you hear them say, "stupid!" to you. what do you do?
  4. this quiz is really short!!! sorry about that. you are served a type of pasta you don't like for dinner. what do you do?
  5. you are going on a field trip. you sit to eat lunch in a meadow. how do you react?
  6. someone invites you to join in on a mean prank. what do you do?
  7. you have a free day off where you can do anything. what do you choose to do?
  8. only 3 more questions left! by the way, I think you can tell these are all role-play questions. what do you think about colors?
  9. Imagine your archnemesis slips you some "fart candy" at lunchtime, and in English class, you have exploding farts and burps. (not literally exploding.) what do you do?
  10. you are invited to a party. what do you say?

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Quiz topic: Which common personality type am I?
