Are you a vampire? Or not..?

This quiz will test you, to see if you are a vampire or not. Make sure to answer honestly, and share with your friends. (Clean and safe for anyone). Enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed this quiz! Make sure to rate it! This quiz was entirely based off of the symptoms I get of being a vampire! Don't be sad if you aren't. It's pretty painful, and requires patience.

Created by: JALAPEO
  1. What makes you think you're a vampire?
  2. When you get a cut, do you smell it and suddenly get hungry?
  3. Which is more appealing; animal blood, or human blood?
  4. Do electrical appliances mess up around you?
  5. Can you tell if someone is upset, or mad.
  6. Do you get sick very often? Or when you do, it's bad?
  7. Do you have a black outline around your eyes?
  8. Are you an extrovert, or introvert?
  9. Do you hate the sun?
  10. Do you have fangs?

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Quiz topic: Am I a vampire? Or not..?
