are you a vampire

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So that's your result my vampire buddy I hope you enjoy my vampire quiz today or tonight and as always be safe at your home buddy enjoy see you again next time:)

I know that you are shocked Because of the result right so did you enjoy your dinner breakfast etc. Huh I know your not if you don't know that you are a vampire

Created by: imyenyoutreasure
  1. Do you always stay at your house?
  2. Do you have a pale skin?
  3. What eye color do you have?
  4. What color do you like the most?
  5. Do you have complete long fangs?
  6. Do you always use umbrella when going out to the sun?
  7. So do you believe in monsters,ghost and vampires or urban legends?
  8. Do you like to be a vampire?
  9. When you have a wound do you even try to lick it and taste your blood?
  10. Do you think a vampire life is hard?
  11. Are you ready for the results?

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Quiz topic: Am I a vampire
