Which Vampire From Origanals Is Your Boyfriend

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You think that you know who you want to date in origanals? This is for you. The Origanals family is a bunch of vampire. Find witch one is your soulmate. Have fun.

In this you will find witch mialson you are supposed to be with. I hope you like. I recommend this for girls or any body no hate from me. Please enjoy and play share with friends.

Created by: samantha
  1. What sport do you like the most?
  2. What are your hobbies?
  3. If you could have a super power what would it be.
  4. What is your type of vampire?
  5. Who is your favorite?
  6. What takes you to your happy place?
  7. What type of boy do you find attractive?
  8. How would your friends describe you?
  9. If you could would you be a vampire if the chance to change would you take it.
  10. Do you like vampire wearwolfes witch or tribrid?
  11. If you could would you turn you lover if they were diying.
  12. If your lover died would you kill you someone else or something.
  13. If you could turn your emotions off would you.

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Quiz topic: Which Vampire From Origanals Is my Boyfriend
