How Well Do You Know The Vampire Diaries?

Hey guys! I made this quiz about The Vampire Diaries. This is a sort of trivia quiz where you will get a score on how well you did! Don't be discouraged if you don't get a high score, it's no biggie!

I really hope you like the quiz and share you score with other people. Oh! And, if you like the quiz, make sure you tell your friends to check it out! Again, I hope you enjoy, here it is!

Created by: Eman
  1. Where do Elena and Damon meet for the first time?
  2. How do Elena's parents die?
  3. What are the names of Elena's boyfriends? In order.
  4. Who turned Katherine into a vampire?
  5. Where does Damon hide the moonstone?
  6. Elena is adopted, true or false?
  7. How can you cure a werewolf bite?
  8. What happened to Katherine's family?
  9. Who wrote The Vampire Diaries?
  10. Who was known as "The Ripper of Monterey"?
  11. What is Bonnie's surname?
  12. What is the name of Elena's birth mother?
  13. What is the name of the first Petrova Doppelganger? (meaning the first person who looks like Elena)
  14. What state is Mystic Falls in?
  15. What is Bonnie?
  16. Is The Vampire Diaries amazing?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Vampire Diaries?

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