Am I really lesbian? | Comments

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  • Hi I'm 14 and I have yet came out to my family. I'm bisexual and still deciding if I'm really a lesbian. But what I would do is write a letter before you go to school, and sit it down somewhere you know they will see. Then they will read it will your at school. And take it out there and once you get home they will be all calmed down and they won't fuse. But I know it's hard, but don't exspect it to come out side so bad. But if your family are Christians like mine and don't except that way. They already pre worn me I better be straight as a pole. And my whole family will hate me. But you probably will be fine. And even though I'm a Christian. I say this is the world you can't just say you don't except it when it's happening

    • My family is Christian, but they support me. Well... they didn't at least not support me. I live in Utah, and my parents are 'Mormon', and in such a religion centered place (I have like, three houses in my neighborhood that aren't LDS) it's really hard to find a GF. At least I know some peeps at school.

  • Ok, so, I definitely think you're lesbian, or bisexual but more towards to girl side of it. (I'ma lesbian too, but I was outed, so I didn't have to deal with coming out...)

    You could talk to your friend. I doubt he'd tell your mom before you told him he could. Best of luck, and I hope this is not to late...

  • I'm sorry but you are gay and hey you have at least 1 supporter and comming out is not has hard as you think all you have to do is find a family get together or something like that and tell them that easy!Good luck!:)

  • Well hi, i'm 13 and we have a lot of gays/lesbians at my school and were only in middle school.And while I don't support it because it's against my religion my best friend is a bisexual. My grandmother says people my/our age are just experimenting so whatever you do it's up to you.Just think about the risk,ok?

  • Well hi, im 13 and we have a lot of gays/lesbians at my school and were only in middle school.And while I don't support it because it's against my religion my best friend is a bisexual. My grandmother says people my/our age are just experimenting so whatever you do it's up to you.Just think about the risk,ok?

  • Hi I am 15 years old and I am not sure I am a lesbian. I really think I am a lesbian because I am more attracted to girls when I was dating guys. Please tell me im a lesbian. thanks

    • You might be a lesbian, but if you like guys too, you're probably bi or pan.

  • I like gotoquiz it's awesome

  • I'm 11too!anyway,you aren't a are not my opinion I think you just think about kissing girls because you're curious.and if you REALLY think your gay,then you have to get strait again,just try to find a BOYfriend and you'll see that you don't need no girl,because you'll be to busy with your BOY friend!

    That's all I can say,I'm not good with advice,like is said I'm 11 too.Anyway I hope this helps!

    • that is terrible advice. Their are religions out their who tell people that, and that social atmosphere is why their are so many LGBTQ+ suicides. (That and Dysphoria)


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