FireQueen's Profile

Joined on Oct 19, 2021
Status Level: Junior
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"I'm not sure these numbers are accurate... I know more than 417 people who speak spanish...."
In response to Angel In Fantasy:
"You should learn Spanish.
It is one of…"
1 -
"That last question is amazing. I'ma lesbian, and just thinking about my BFF/crush wetting the bed...."
0 -
"You might be a lesbian, but if you like guys too, you're probably bi or pan."
In response to adisonmcmichael:
"Hi I am 15 years old and I am not sure I am a…"
1 -
"that is terrible advice. Their are religions out their who tell people that, and that social atmosphere is why their are so many LGBTQ+…"
In response to katqueen45:
"I'm 11too!anyway,you aren't a are…"
1 -
"My family is Christian, but they support me. Well... they didn't at least not support me. I live in Utah, and my parents are 'Mormon',…"
In response to Avrilbarnhart:
"Hi I'm 14 and I have yet came out to my family.…"
1 -
"Ok, so, I definitely think you're lesbian, or bisexual but more towards to girl side of it. (I'ma lesbian too, but I was outed, so I…"
1 -
"Why kill you?"
In response to Kabbage4:
"I got BI, once I did kinda weeny but teeeeeeeny…"
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"No more Homophobes. You love who you love, and you can't change that. So grow up a little and quit being immature."
In response to katanasky:
"Thank goodness I'm straight, I already knew it. I…"
1 -
"Why were you disgusted? I'd be flattered, and I hope your friend is ok, I mean, having your heart broken hurts."
In response to iknowiamgr8:
"oh yes i am straight!!! good! You know yesterday i…"
1 -
"Also, Thalia is definitely gay as well. She's one of my dozens of fictional crushes..."
In response to monochrome:
"Umm... just asking, why question 8 (Do you think…"