~Forbidden Love~p11 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz ~Forbidden Love~p11.
Carlos, the one who seemed like the leader is the servant? Carlos, the one who I didn't really like turns out to be the least evil out of them? Wow, twists and turns, cheese1234... but though he might be the least evil, he's not to be trusted. He'd do anything for his sister over "me" though it could be my only way out... AND WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STOP THERE? DX Hmmphhh I'll be on the lookout for the next part, missy, so get it out soon! ... please? :3
YES! You posted another AND you're on summer vacation so you'll have time to write more often ^^ okay, I'm going to go actually read the part, and I'll be back with more comments :P
Did I forget to say I like the quote? I did. Well I like it XD I'm saving it in my little quote document now. Sorry, about the 3 comments in a row :P
eve12411 -
thank you so much for being such a good fan! im working on part 12 right now!
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