~Forbidden Love~p11

Hey! I know I took forever to make this one but I had plenty reason to. I had the last few weeks of school and I NEEDED to get straight A’s. Plus, I had a writer’s block and stress I didn’t even need. But, hey! It’s summer now! I have plenty of time to write. I’ll get these out much faster than before. I assume you forgot the story so feel free to read the quizzes before and I put an extra bit of the last quiz on this one for you to remember. And I did a quick recap of what’s happening. So sit back and read.
Umm… here’s a cute love quote. Hoe you like it and the story! Love isn’t what makes the world go round. It’s what makes the ride worthwhile. Okay, and just so you remember, you’re behind enemy lines and probably gonna die. That’s it, thanks!