Zombie survival

Well i really enjoy zombies and killing them. This however being my first quiz isnt really all too good but I tried to add some humor in the mix. Good luck

Make me proud young zombie hunters and keep the world zombie free. Only a select few will know the joy of killing a real zombie while others will be wimps

Created by: Darryl
  1. You hear on the news that a zombie outbreak has happened in a small town near you. What is the first thing you do?
  2. You leave the building you were staying at and find the town is in shambles. Whats the first thing you do?
  3. Before the outbreak you already had a gun, and a lil bit of ammo. What is that gun?
  4. What is your preferred blunt instrument?
  5. Your friends find you, and tell you of a place that may or may not be safe.
  6. A group of 6-8 zombies appear, your group of 3 only has only one full mag left in total, and your all exhausted. Do you...
  7. A group of 5 is approaching and they seem to be holding people in chains. You have just enough shots for each of them but some zombies are near you. What do you do?
  8. Along your journey you see that animals are unaffected by the bites. However your starving and your team needs food, you see a deer that was bitten. Do you...
  9. You come across a camp that looks like everyone left in a hurry cause supplies are still there. You need them...
  10. You and your party of 3 are the only remaining survivors left on earth. Billions of zombies are everywhere. Do you...

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