What high school stereotype are you?

In this quiz you will find out what high school stereotypes you are. Maybe you’re already in high school? Then you can type in the comments if I’m correct or not.

Maybe you’re a lone wolf. Maybe you’re a nerd, a jock, a teachers pet? I know I’d like to know! Do u you want to know?!?!?! Yessss Queen!!, yesss!!!!!

Created by: Nilab
  1. What quote would you most likely say?
  2. Favorite subject?
  3. Least fave subject ?
  4. Best quality?
  5. Worst quality?
  6. Do you have a crush?
  7. Gender?
  8. On a scale of one to ten how kind are you?
  9. How many friends?
  10. What do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What high school stereotype am I?
