Your vote in the 2024 election.

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This quiz is based on the 2024 election and who you did or would have voted for,. Remember, this can be wrong, no quiz is flawless, and who you would or did vote for is ultimately up to you, we are just going of the candidate and parties principles.

I have tried to remain as politically neutral as possible. It is hard, its impossible not to have a strong opinion on Donald Trump, you ether think he is fighting against a corrupt system or hate his guts.

Created by: The unknown.
  1. What is your opinion on Taxes?
  2. What is your opinion on Abortion?
  3. What is your position on Gun Control?
  4. What is your opinion on immigration, primarily immigration from the southern border?
  5. What is project 2025?
  6. What is your opinion on Joe Biden?
  7. Was the 2020 election rigged?
  8. What is your stance on criminal justice?
  9. What is your stance on given benefits to war Veterans?
  10. What is your stance on the war in Gaza.
  11. Should being a convicted Felon prevent you from running for office?
  12. What is your stance on the Russia-Ukraine war?
  13. Was the economy better under Trump or Biden?
  14. Is Donald Trump a threat to democracy?
  15. What is your opinion on protectionism?
  16. What is your stance on the "Trans question"?
  17. What is your opinion on healthcare.
  18. Who won the 2024 United States Presidential debates.

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Quiz topic: My vote in the 2024 election.
