What party at the Skippers school election fits you the most

Skippers community school has an election. The Kings and Queens and those against them. Who call themselves “The Anti-Kings and Queens” were originally the only parties.

But since a public debate that happened with the 2 parties 3 new parties joined in. With a one class one vote system, this race seems to be very close.

Created by: NJTests
  1. Should The Kings and Queens be banned from the school?
  2. Should school elections happen?
  3. Should a school currency be established?
  4. If a school currency was established, how should it be given?
  5. Should new rules be added or removed, or should the school generally stay as it is now?
  6. Should Skippers Community School continue to stay a private school?
  7. This is a very important issue so it will be asked again. Should The Kings and Queens be banned from the school?
  8. Should Karen have more rule over the school than the parties?
  9. Should the one class one vote system be abolished?(the system meaning that every class gets one vote in the election, voting for who the majority in that class voted for)
  10. How many more rules should school have?
  11. Should local “governors” for each separate class be elected to handle class problems?

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