Which Bulgarian political party should you vote for (2022)

On the 2nd October Bulgaria will have its 4th election in two years. Altogether 29 parties and coalition will run in the election and Bulgarians will vote for their new parliament.

This quiz is to help you see which party is closest to you or to help see which party you could vote for. (However only the 10 largest parties feature in this Quiz)

Created by: Ivo
  1. On social issues you are...
  2. on Economic issues you are....
  3. Opinion on President Rumen Radev
  4. Opinion on Boyko Borissov
  5. Opinion on Kiril Petkov
  6. Opinion on Ahmed Dogan, Honorary DPS leader.
  7. Should Ivan Geshev be removed as Head Prosecutor
  8. Which of the following alleged oligarchs poses a bigger threat to Bulgaria.
  9. Did you support the fall of the Petkov Government?
  10. What is the most corrupt party in Bulgaria out of these three status quo parties
  11. What is the best possible government
  12. Should Boyko Rashkov head KPKOMPI the anti-corruption commission.
  13. Are the investigations and taking back control of Kapitan Andreevo a big success of the PP Government
  14. On Covid certificates, what was your position
  15. Should Bulgaria adopt the Euro as their currency
  16. Should Bulgaria send weapons to Ukraine
  17. Position on NATO
  18. Do you support the expulsion of the Russian Diplomats, and what is your position on Bulgarian relations with Russia.
  19. What should Bulgaria's policy be in regards to North Macedonia
  20. On the Gas crisis what is the best solution? Should Bulgaria negotiate with Gazprom
  21. Do you support the budget that the Petkov Government proposed
  22. Should we return paper ballots or keep just machine voting
  23. What should Bulgaria's policy be in regard to nuclear energy?
  24. Should Bulgaria ratify the Istanbul Convention
  25. What should be Bulgaria's taxation policy?
  26. What is the solution to the demographic crisis
  27. Finally, do you support ITN calls for as presidential republic like France, and the introduction of FPTP for parliamentary elections

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Quiz topic: Which Bulgarian political party should I vote for (2022)

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