Bulgarian Election Quiz (2024)

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On the 9th of June 2024, Bulgaria will go to the polls for the 7th time in three years, this time to elect the 240 members of the national parliament and the 17 Members of the European Parliament from Bulgaria. 32 parties (out of which 6 already hold seats in the parliament) are contesting the elections, along with one independent running for the European Parliament.

This quiz aims to give some idea about the proximity of the quiz-taker to some of the more major parties within Bulgarian politics- specifically, 10 parties and coalitions which have consistently appeared in the polls (GERB, PP-DB, Vazrazhdane, DPS, BSP, ITN, Solidarity, Levitsata!, VMRO-BNM, Blue Bulgaria) have been included.

Created by: Bulgaryeen
  1. Do you approve of President Rumen Radev (Ind.)?
  2. Did you approve the tenure of the Nikolai Denkov (PP-DB) government?
  3. What is your opinion on the collapse of the Denkov government in March?
  4. Which parties do you believe should be excluded from all governing coalitions after the next elections?
  5. What government do you wish to see after the elections?
  6. Who holds political responsibility for the Caretaker Glavchev government?
  7. Will the upcoming elections be free and fair?
  8. Do you approve the constitutional amendments passed during the tenure of the Denkov government?
  9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "Reform of the security services is neccessary immidiately."
  10. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "In this time of political and economic crisis, it is important experienced politicians take the lead."
  11. What sort of fiscal policy should Bulgaria's next government adopt?
  12. How much government intervention (ex. regulation, planning, investment into state firms) should there be in the economy?
  13. The Denkov government should have ceased the concession of the oil refinery in Rosenets to the Russian state-oil company, Lukoil, earlier
  14. The Green Deal (proposed by the EU Commission) is fundamentally negative for Bulgaria's development.
  15. Bulgaria must join the Eurozone as soon as possible
  16. The entrance of Bulgaria into the Schengen Area by sea and air is a major diplomatic victory for Bulgaria.
  17. The recent acquisition of F-16 airplanes and Stryker APCs are a positive development for the Bulgarian military.
  18. Bulgaria should continue to provide military and diplomatic support to Ukraine.
  19. Bulgaria should consider leaving NATO.
  20. Soviet/Communist historical monuments in Bulgaria (such as the one in Sofia), must be removed immidiately.
  21. Which government, from the past 5 years, would you say performed the best while in office?
  22. Which of the following historical/contemporary Bulgarian leaders from the 20th and 21st century would you say Bulgaria needs most at the current moment?

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