Bulgarian 2024 October Elections

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On the 27th of October 2024, Bulgaria will go to the polls for the 8th time in three years, to elect the 240 members of the national parliament. 28 parties and coalitions (out of which 7 already hold seats in the parliament) are contesting the elections.

While elections had been held previously in the year, a number of political changes within the past few months (such as the division of DPS; the breakthrough-and breakup- of the new political party, Velichie; the election of a new leadership within BSP and the subsequent formation of BSP-OL) have radically changed the political scene within the country. The quiz aims to give an idea of which of the political parties with a realistic chance of entering the next parliament (GERB, PPDB, Vazr., APS, DPS-NN, BSP-OL, ITN, Velichie, MECH) respondents are most closely aligned with.

Created by: Bulgaryeen
  1. Do you approve of President Rumen Radev (Ind.)?
  2. Do you approve of the Dimitar Glavchev (Ind.) Caretaker Government?
  3. The constitutional crisis that occured following the rejection of Goritsa Grancharova's prospective Caretaker Cabinet was mostly the fault of...
  4. Who was most to blame for the failure of the government formation process in the preceding parliament?
  5. Which government do you believe would be best for Bulgaria following the upcoming elections?
  6. Which of the following parties should be excluded from future government's?
  7. To what extent do you agree with this statement: "it is time for the renewal of the political elite in Bulgaria"?
  8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "A temporary dictatorship or period of authoritarian rule in Bulgaria to purge the country of corrupt elements could be a positive"?
  9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "the tone in Bulgarian politics has become too radical/agressive"?
  10. What sort of judicial reform program do you believe Bulgaria should implement?
  11. What sort of fiscal policy do you believe Bulgaria should implement?
  12. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "Bulgaria should keep its 10% flat tax"?
  13. To what extent do you agree: "Bulgaria should join the Eurozone"?
  14. The closing of the coal mines in Stara Zagora, as neccessitated by the Green Deal and the Plan for Recovery, is generally a long-term positive. To what extent do you agree?
  15. Do you support the recently passed law which banned the teaching of "gender ideology and non-traditional sexual orientations" in schools?
  16. Bulgaria should consider leaving NATO.
  17. Bulgaria should suspend all military aid to Ukraine immediately.
  18. Considering the current Israel-Palestine conflict, where would you generally position yourself?
  19. Which contemporary international leader do you look up to the most?
  20. How would you define yourself politically on the left/right, conservative/progressive axis?
  21. Which government, from the past 20 years, would you say performed best while in power?
  22. Which of the following historical/contemporary Bulgarian leaders from the 20th and 21st century would you say Bulgaria needs most at the current moment?

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