1892 United States election

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After being unseated by Benjamin Harrison in the 1888 election, Grover Cleveland is back for a rematch. Harrison’s high tariffs, voting rights proposals, and the gold standard dominate the discussion. James Weaver and the newly formed populist party have considerable support in the west.

Enjoy! Please remember DON'T put answer just because you want a curtain result, please be honest. I know the answers, results, and questions may be out of fashion for the present day where the political left rules with an Iron Fist, however it's time to break free.

Created by: TM
  1. The main issues in this election is the McKinley tariff, witch drastically hikes tariffs all across trade. How do you feel about this?
  2. How do you feel towards Grover Cleveland running for a second Presidency?
  3. Benjamin Harrison is expanding the United States, do you support this?
  4. If you took the 1888 quiz, what result did you get?
  5. Breaking news! A ship from Hamburg, full of German immigrants, is heading for New York Harbor, and with it seems to come the cholera outbreak that is infesting that city. City officials beg you to do something to solve the crisis. What do you wish for President Harrison to do?
  6. Do you wish to discuss the plight of laborers, or of any such unions?
  7. Free Sliver or Gold Standard.
  8. Another crisis! A group of strikers in Homestead, Pennsylvania, have engaged in a major battle with Pinkerton agents, beating them back!
  9. Benjamin Harrison's wife just died, what so you have to say?
  10. Is Benjamin Harrison fit for office now his wife has died?
  11. What are your views on Populism?
  12. The Temperance Movement, which seeks to ban the sale and usage of alcohol across the country, has been gaining popularity recently.
  13. You have recently passed the Sherman Antitrust Act. What is your position on antitrust legislation?
  14. Should religion have anything to do with politics?
  15. With Cleveland scandals involving the non consensual relationship, is he fit for office.

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