United States 1884 election.

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James Blaine is an influential member of the Republican Party who has a history of corruption, while Grover Cleveland is a former Governor of New York who has fought against patronage and corruption during his tenure. The most important topic of the election will be personal integrity, with tariffs and the budget surplus as other important issues.

I hope you enjoy this quiz. I made it because I was bored and now it is created! In all it's glory. Please be honest and don't answer the questions because you would feel mad if you get one candidate over the other.

Created by: Theo Martin
  1. What is your opinion on immigration from China? Back in 1884 time there was quite a surge.
  2. How do you feel toward incumbent President, Chester Arthur?
  3. Grover Cleveland before this election, had sexually assaulted somebody, he has apologized and said there was no proof that was his baby and that he was younger and foolish. What do you think of this?
  4. What is your opinion on tariffs?
  5. What is your stance on laws prohibiting the consumption of alcohol?
  6. What is your foreign policy?
  7. Do you support Gold Standard? Free Silver? Both?
  8. Blaine is known for perceived corruption, he has been accused of lying on many things, such as his Denial of Financial Connections and the Mulligan Letters Scandal. What do you think of this?
  9. The debate around voting rights has continued to grow. What is your opinion on this?
  10. What is your opinion on states rights?
  11. What is your opinion on government intervention in the economy?
  12. What is your view on veterans' pensions?
  13. How important is civil service reform to you?
  14. Which of the following statements best represents your view on the role of religion in politics?
  15. How important is labor rights and regulation to you?

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