Who shall I vote for? (1900 UK Election edition)

Who should you vote for in 1900, the last election of the Victorian period. This year is dominated by the Boer War in South Africa, which although won two years later, raises painful questions for British Imperialism.

The Liberals are divided over Ireland and social reform - indeed a splinter group of Liberal Unionists are in coalition with the Unionists. The fledgling Labour party has only just been founded.

Created by: T Menizen
  1. What are your thoughts on the war against the Boers in South Africa?
  2. What is your religion?
  3. Do you think women should vote?
  4. What is your job?
  5. Do you believe in the Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin?
  6. What is your social class?
  7. Should the government abolish school boards?
  8. Should the government introduce Old Age Pensions?
  9. Should the House of Lords be abolished?
  10. What are your views concerning Free Trade?
  11. Should the Irish govern themselves?
  12. What party would you vote for in the 21st century?

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