Your harry potter enemies to lovers

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ever wondered who your "enemie to lovers" would be ? welll congrats youy came across the answer to your wondering question good luck young looker! you have a long journey to go

uhm hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii immm c im not telling u my full name for safty reasonss lol im sorry if i offend u during making this😖 really sorry :(

Created by: someoneyouusedtoknow
  1. what do you think of skibidi toilet ohio rizzler?
  2. Whos the best artist?
  3. what's your love language?
  4. how do you ask someone to go to the ball with you
  5. they say "Y/n... i-i love you i dont know what to do i know you hate me-"
  6. one day after a DA lesson you two get into a argument
  7. they confess and you like them back but your family hates them
  8. you guys are friends who breaks the friendship and confesses first
  9. what do u like to do for fun
  10. introverted or extroverted
  11. response to "whatchu doing"

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Quiz topic: My harry potter enemies to lovers
