Harry Potterness

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How much do you really know about the Harry Potter greatness? This isn't one of the most difficult quizzes out there, but you may go racing for you books from time to time. Good luck!

Choose the correct answer for each question and we'll see how much you know about Harry Potter. Are you 100% obsessed or are you a first-year muggleborn? Take the quiz and find out!

Created by: Marshall Joseph
  1. Let's start easy... What is the correct order of the Harry Potter books?
  2. What is the name of the cheeky poltergeist roaming the castle and causing mischief?
  3. What are the 4 Hogwarts houses?
  4. Now let's take it up a notch... How did Helena Ravenclaw die?
  5. What is Ron Weasley's full name?
  6. What name has Harry Potter NOT been called?
  7. WITHOUT looking at a picture/other... Moving clockwise starting in the top left corner, which order are the houses arranged on the Hogwarts crest?
  8. In the book, who is Lockhart's assistant at the dueling club?
  9. What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter entered Professor Lupin's office?
  10. Who could the prophecy have been about besides Harry Potter?
  11. Where did Harry find the name Hedwig?
  12. What did Buckbeak's name become when Sirius returns with him to Grimmauld Place?
  13. Who did the Lovegoods believe Sirius Black to be in disguise?
  14. In the first book, who serves detention in the forest?
  15. Who does NOT die in the battle of Hogwarts?
  16. Where is Voldemort when Harry sees him, using occlumency during the battle of Hogwarts? (Before they go find him with snape.)
  17. What does S.P.E.W stand for?
  18. What does the spell "Anaticula" do?
  19. What color does Mafalda Hopkirk's polyjuice potion turn in The Deathly Hallows?
  20. How do you exit the Department of Mysteries?
  21. In the 5th movie, how many people fight in the department of mysteries?
  22. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?
  23. What O.W.L. exam is Harry taking when he sees Sirius being tortured in the Department of Mysteries?
  24. According to Harry, what is Europa covered in?
  25. Which quote was NOT said by Harry?
  26. Who flew with Kingsley Shacklebolt during the Battle over Little Whinging? (aka the escape from Privet Drive)
  27. What grade did Harry receive on his Astronomy O.W.L. exam?
  28. In what books does Dobby appear?
  29. What characters come to Harry's aid with patronuses as he heads to find Voldy/Snape. (Before they get to where snape dies)
  30. What animal is on the Durmstrang crest?
  31. Which is the most popular choice for favorite character among Harry Potter fans?
  32. Out of these people, who died first?
  33. Out of these people, who died first?
  34. Who does Harry ask about being a ghost after Sirius dies?
  35. How many possible Quidditch fouls are there?
  36. What does Dumbledore have to do before entering the cave to retrieve the locket horcrux?
  37. True or false: Snape invented these spells...1. Sectumsempra2. Legilimens3. Langlock4. Levicorpus
  38. Minerva McGonagall is great. Minerva McGonagall can produce 3 patronuses at once. Minerva McGonagall's patronuses are herself. Minerva McGonagall takes 7 stunning spells to the chest and survives. During which O.W.L. exam did the last example of greatness occur?
  39. The answer to the sphinx's riddle in, The Goblet of Fire, was...
  40. When Joseph was born in the year 2AD, he screamed the sacred words/word of wisdom. What were those words/word?

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