Are you a true Harry Potter fan? 30 questions to find out!

Have you ever considered yourself a true Harry Potter fan? You can't say that you are until you've answered these 30 obscure Harry Potter facts correctly---if you look any up, you're cheating!

Some of these questions are tricky, and rarely will anyone be able to answer all of these right, but they are all specifically mentioned in any of the seven books, and any true Harry Potter fan will be able to re-read them and see this exact answer in the story! Good luck!

Created by: Moonspider
  1. How many Weasley siblings are there?
  2. When is Harry Potter's birthday?
  3. How many words is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?
  4. Where did Hermione Granger's name come from originally?
  5. What did Rowling write the four house names down on for the first time?
  6. Which of these words become included in the Oxford Dictionary?
  7. What was the spelling of the man who created the Sorcerer's Stone?
  8. What is the Hogwarts motto? (draco dormiens nunquam titillandus in Latin)
  9. What did Hagrid get Harry for his birthday?
  10. How many people died in the Harry Potter series (approximately)?
  11. In what order are Albus Dumbledore's middle names?
  12. How do you enter Diagon Alley?
  13. What was the number of the vault where Professor Quirrel hid the Sorcerer's Stone?
  14. What spell did Professor Slughorn see Ginny Weasley perform that made him invite her to the Slug Club?
  15. Which finger was Peter Pettigrew (Scabbers) missing?
  16. What was Neville's 'Gran's' name?
  17. Which Gryffindor student caused the boggart to turn into a disembodied living hand?
  18. How do you spell the glasses that Luna Lovegood famously wears?
  19. How many O.W.L.s does Ron Weasley receive in all?
  20. What does Ginny Weasley name her Pygmy Puff?
  21. What does Luna Lovegood say lives in mistletoe?
  22. What does Remus Lupin's middle name start with?
  23. How do you spell the name of the liquid luck potion?
  24. What was Tonks and Sirius Black's relationship?
  25. What were the words Albus Dumbledore said to greet his Hogwarts students in Harry's first year?
  26. What were the other names for the Elder Wand?
  27. How do you spell Professor Trelawney's first name?
  28. What is the name of Draco Malfoy's future wife?
  29. What was the name of the Chaser that replaced Katie Bell on the Quidditch Team after she got cursed?
  30. And finally, what holiday were Fred and George Weasley born on?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Harry Potter fan? 30 questions to find out!
