You As A Anime Girl! | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz You As A Anime Girl!

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  • Your Result: ¡ The Cool Girl ¡ 0%

    Ooooh, you got the cool girl! :D You're tough yet super chill at the same time! You live a carefree life and don't care what others say about you! You stick up for yourself and your friends no matter what. You go girl~ Your anime boyfriend is the protective type, just like you! :3 He's sweet and always willing to listen~ He's also very laid back and down to earth! Let's see what his thoughts are about you! :D ¡ " My girlfriend is uber cool! :O She's extremely protective over the people she loves and avoids trying to start fights. She sticks up for herself, but I'm willing to protect her from danger no matter what. She's perfect just the way she is~ "

    Oki doki even tho I dont even slap people

  • Your Result: ♡ The Quiet Mysterious Girl ♡


    You got the quiet girl~ You're usually silent, making you the mysterious girl everyone wants to get to know! :D But once you start a convo, you're extremely kind, gentle, and silly! :3 Everyone loves you for who you are! Your anime boyfriend is the wild and loud type! Looks like opposites attract?:) But all in all, he's super sweet yet sometimes a bit nosy and gets easily jealous~ xD Here are his thoughts about you! ♡ " Y/N is such an amazing girl! Although she may be quiet at times, once you get to know her, she's so funny! :D Honestly, I get jealous sometimes if a guy talks to her.. She's too pretty and I'm scared they might take her away! D: "

    This is an awesome quiz,and this tootally describes me >:)

  • You As A Anime Girl!
    Your Result: ¡ The Cool Girl ¡ 70%

    Ooooh, you got the cool girl! :D You're tough yet super chill at the same time! You live a carefree life and don't care what others say about you! You stick up for yourself and your friends no matter what. You go girl~ Your anime boyfriend is the protective type, just like you! :3 He's sweet and always willing to listen~ He's also very laid back and down to earth! Let's see what his thoughts are about you! :D ¡ " My girlfriend is uber cool! :O She's extremely protective over the people she loves and avoids trying to start fights. She sticks up for herself, but I'm willing to protect her from danger no matter what. She's perfect just the way she is~ "

    48%¡ The Shy Girl ¡
    46%¡ The Sweetheart ¡
    38%¡ The Cute Nerd ¡
    26%¡ The Quiet Mysterious Girl ¡

    This is true. UwU but I also have a soft/cutesy side that I rarely show. I'm afraid ppl will make fun of me for it. I've been bullied a lot in my life.

    Bakdeku child
  • The Sweetheart ♡ 88%

    Congra ts! :3 You got the super cute sweetheart~ Everyone loves you because of your sweetness! ♡ You're kind and cute personality gets all the anime boys falling for you! :D Aww, your anime boyfriend is a sweetheart just like you! ^.^ He's playful, humble, and tries his best to make you happy! Let's see what he has to say about you(: ♡ " I love Y/N to bits! She's so sweet and always there for me~ One of my favorite dates is at home baking with her~ We have a lot of fun making all kinds of different sweets :3 She's an amazing girl and I can't imagine living without her (: "

  • You As A Anime Girl!
    Your Result: ♡ The Cool Girl ♡ 86%

    Ooooh, you got the cool girl! :D You're tough yet super chill at the same time! You live a carefree life and don't care what others say about you! You stick up for yourself and your friends no matter what. You go girl~ Your anime boyfriend is the protective type, just like you! :3 He's sweet and always willing to listen~ He's also very laid back and down to earth! Let's see what his thoughts are about you! :D ♡ " My girlfriend is uber cool! :O She's extremely protective over the people she loves and avoids trying to start fights. She sticks up for herself, but I'm willing to protect her from danger no matter what. She's perfect just the way she is~ "

    66%♡ The Quiet Mysterious Girl ♡
    40%♡ The Sweetheart ♡
    34%♡ The Cute Nerd ♡
    12%♡ The Shy Girl ♡

  • The quiet type of girl,so true I do like to be the loner type and do tend to leave somewhat of a mysterious aura around those who meet me but overall a alright person just don't piss me off. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • Thanks everyone! I tried my best to make this quiz likable! I'm glad everyone liked their results!

  • I got the cute nerd and what makes it funny is that I actually wear glasses 😂

  • Ignore that I don't even know what that was.
    The sweetheart.

  • I got the cool girl!! Awesome... I'll comment again for my friend's result...

  • im almost always silent but no one wants to know me because im creepy

  • I got the Cool Girl. I am flattered :) Lol.

  • OMG! I love your quiz! I got the cool girl :3 nice descriptions!!!!

  • My friend also got the cool girl!!


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