rhimicha's Profile

Joined on Jan 26, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
rhimicha's Quizzes
- Find The Wysteria - 11 (for Girls)[published: Oct 06, 2021]
You are now in Part 11 of trying to find the wysteria! Last time, you and your friends……
- Find The Wysteria - 10 (for Girls)[published: Feb 20, 2021]
Welcome back to Find The Wysteria! Last time, you all managed to finally arrest the cloaked……
- Find The Wysteria - 9 (for Girls)[published: Feb 19, 2021]
Welcome back to Find The Wysteria! I haven’t written anything for this story quiz in about 6……
- Who's Been Dreaming of You?[published: Jul 30, 2015, 11 comments]
Have you ever wondered who dreams of you? This quiz can answer that. It may be the one you love,……
- What's Your Inner Cat Personality?[published: Apr 13, 2015, 10 comments]
Cats have many different personalities. Some of them are quiet and reserved, and others are……
- Find The Wysteria - 8 (for Girls)[published: Apr 06, 2015, 5 comments]
Welcome to part eight of this story quiz for girls! Sorry if the beginning of this part is a……
- Find The Wysteria - 7 (for Girls)[published: Mar 29, 2015, 9 comments]
Welcome to part seven of Find The Wysteria, a story quiz for girls. This part is also fairly……
- Find The Wysteria - 6 (for Girls)[published: Mar 29, 2015, 1 comment]
Hi there! This is part 6 of find the wysteria, my first story quiz for girls. I hope you all……
- Find The Wysteria - 5 (for Girls)[published: Mar 22, 2015, 7 comments]
This is part 5 of Find The Wysteria, a story quiz for girls. Last time, you had just met a……
- Find The Wysteria - 4 (for Girls)[published: Mar 01, 2015, 17 comments]
Hey lovelies! Here you go, the 4th installment of Find The Wysteria. In this part, it is more……
- Find The Wysteria - 3 (for Girls)[published: Feb 16, 2015, 8 comments]
Woohoo! Another installation to Find The Wysteria. This time you will be able to choose from……
- Are You A Hunger Games Book Whiz?[published: Feb 08, 2015, 4 comments]
Do you know the Hunger Games trilogy like the back of your hand? If you've read all three……
- Find The Wysteria - 2 (for Girls)[published: Feb 08, 2015, 6 comments]
Welcome to "Find the Wysteria - 2"! If you haven't already played the first installation of……
- Find The Wysteria - 1 (for Girls)[published: Feb 02, 2015, 4 comments]
The way that "Find The Wysteria" is played: There is only one best way out of each part. You……
- What is your current mood?[published: Feb 01, 2015, 9 comments]
Moods of the human mind are constantly changing. Sometimes we're happy, sometimes we're sad, but……
rhimicha's Recent Posts
"That's awesome. Honestly similar stuff, lol I haven't worked on any music in a hot minute but it's mainly just cause I've been f"
"I hope so toooo Are you up to anything fun lately? Do you have any projects you're working on?"
"i need to go shopping with my friend i work with :I gotta get new shoes some time..."
" i miss my friends this summer better be fun or imma be mad"
"So I hope that all goes ok. My appointment is on the 24th ugh I can't wait for that to come just to get it over with. I literal"
"Oh wow that's hilarious xD I love that though, it's so ironic It was a little tiring rearranging everything in my room but it's"
"Good! It's going well for me. I cleaned my room and rearranged all my furniture, lol Tea Time as in what's the tea? xD is this "
"Gotta work tomorrow Hoping I get a decent amount of tips..."
"Just to confirm, these are all my alts: Hazelbear Nutelligence _I love you_ <3 ayyy i got them back"
"I'm burning a wood wick candle called Tea Time I have no idea what it actually smells like but it's green and it smells like apple tea"
"Haii Alex how's it goin?"
"Characters I need to create/design for my webcomic: 1. Oleander 2. Denim 3. Bonzai 4. Golden 5. Geode"
"I love this idea My parents could use some prayers right now to be honest. Just general prayer for them to be able to have good"
"so we are kind of opposite maybe, I love drawing biological things and am bad at drawing nature things"
"I get that xD I LOVE drawing people/humans It's one of my most favorite things to draw but I have to practice landscapes and nat"
rhimicha's Recent Quiz Comments
"A very unique idea for a quiz! I got 61% and a warning, haha xD"
2 -
"Aw man I would have gotten 70% if I hadn't changed my answers on 2 questions xD Looks like I need to watch the first movie over again soon."
1 -
"My result was 77% Honey Lemon with the runner up being Fred at 65%.
Good quiz, Hiccstrid, it was pretty accurate."
1 -
"I don't what you're talking about, this part is fantastic! XD Like I've said before, you've really gotten better at writing. Garrett is…"
1 -
"I wuv you "
1 -
"I'm straight but I got bisexual as my result lol. I guess I'm... bicurious."
1 -
"Jason should have SUPAA STRENGTH BRUH!
XD I loved it, and yayy Veronica's debut!I am really liking Garrett >///< but…"
1 -
"Poseidon's kid C:
I'm happy with that result. Good quiz ^o^"1 -
"You were correct for me ^-^
I think you did good. I even put in a false answer for the first question."
1 -
"Maybe the MC should have a best friend around (one who is magic like the guys) c: Let me know what you think in our thread."