Haleigh's Profile

Joined on Aug 19, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Haleigh's Quizzes
- What Disney Princess do YOU look like?[published: Aug 20, 2016, 1 comment]
There are many pretty people, but few true princesses.A princess is, afterall, quite……
- Wat is ur creepy pasta gurlfriend[published: Aug 19, 2016, 4 comments]
CREEPYPASTA LOVERS COME HITHER!! This quiz is for people who love creepypasta. ( Or want to……
Haleigh's Recent Posts
"SOULEATERS!! it's funny as hell"
"Dr. Stien is awesome but I like Soul better!! >3<"
"ANY SHIPS FROM SOULEATERS!!! Ex. MakaXSoul TsubakiXBlack Star BlackStarXMaka SoulXTsubaki CronaXMaka"
"SOULEATERS!!!!! my fave are Tsubaki Black Star Crona Soul"
"Death Note and SoulEaters r ma fav."
"Herro everybody!!! "
"For people who are OBSESSED with SoulEaters (or if you just like it, wutever...)..."
Haleigh's Recent Quiz Comments
"Which HTTYD dragon fits your personality?
Your Result: Terrible Terror 93%The little, loud, adorable, and social dragons.…"
1 -
"You As A Anime Girl!
Your Result: ♡ The Cool Girl ♡ 86%
resultOoooh, you got the cool girl! :D You're tough yet super…"
1 -
"I'm dating someone abd we are in love but I got a 57%"
1 -
"Which Harry Potter character are you...really?
Your Result: Sirius Black 89%
result"Padfo ot"Â, this man is the epitome of…"
3 -
"Hogwarts Love Story pt 29
Your Result: Fred/George Weasley
100%You got the Weasley twins. And guess what? As expected, I…"
1 -
"You are 77% Bittch! 77%
I can't believe it! Your almost a full bittch! I know you just sit there and think of ways to be a…"
1 -
"Which Disney Princess do you look like?
Your Result: Aurora/Cinderella/R apunzel 80%resultYou look mostly like these 3…"
1 -
"The Peverell Family School Sorting Quiz
Your Result: The Noble House of the Wand. 80%The Noble House of the Wand recognizes…"
1 -
"Your the town 0% 0%
Barbie! yay you are kind and full of sun shine! no bad dark blood in your cute lil body, You run at the sight…"
1 reply5 -
"Determine Your Body Type
Your Result: Mesomorph 90%The Mesomorph is naturally fit and has a strong advantage over the other…"