dogsbuddy's Profile

Joined on Apr 25, 2014
Status Level: Senior
dogsbuddy's Quizzes
- Shout 9000 (dogsbuddy)[published: Apr 28, 2015, 3 comments]
If you seen my shout outs you would know how this goes. irhtnp1io3rnyiumred4uy31hghfj9-oip14t……
- Which one of my OC's are you?[published: Apr 15, 2015, 4 comments]
- Should I continue this story?[published: Feb 22, 2015, 13 comments]
Credit to Zero Gravity for giving me this wonderful idea. orwtjf6mh2pt8jnf,r83fon45puinmf240du8yn4……
- Who are you in my family? (dogsbuddy)[published: Feb 08, 2015, 15 comments]
.rtdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdk-iwu t2hxfj,xtj……
- Lyrics quiz! 2 (dogsbuddy)[published: Jan 18, 2015, 8 comments]
There are a lot of hard ones and maybe some old lyrics...but can you do it? This is challenging.……
- Shout outs..again! (dogsbuddy)[published: Dec 19, 2014, 4 comments]
- How well do you know DBZ? (dogsbuddy)[published: Dec 14, 2014, 2 comments]
There are a lot of fans. Do you have what it takes to be a fan of Dragon Ball Z? Well,……
- Secrets (dogsbuddy)[published: Nov 29, 2014, 6 comments]
kjssssssssutejyutidhworepekmfcbgkp[pwqsdmefgnt du];mlwekrfgndrd;fryngd[;lewrgyfhg5]edwlfnrgx4ewwwwwwwwwwwwww……
- Lyrics quiz! (dogsbuddy)[published: Nov 25, 2014, 3 comments]
Well, most people know lyrics! You think you can take this? Well, you can totally try boys and girls!……
- How well do you know dogsbuddy?[published: Nov 22, 2014, 3 comments]
I hope you do well on this quiz! This is awesome and you should really take this quiz! That's if……
- I'm so freaking proud of you!! (dogsbuddy)[published: Nov 17, 2014, 4 comments]
- Which anime profile pic should I do?(dogsbuddy)[published: Nov 02, 2014, 4 comments]
So yeah I did mess up but if you don't read this it's ok this is usless.……
- Could you be my twin?[published: Aug 04, 2014, 11 comments]
There are a lot of people in this world but some can be my twin. It would be nice to have one. What does……
dogsbuddy's Recent Posts
"On my family computer trying to figure out the password. I saved it so thats how I'm on."
"I'm bored bye.)"
"*flops onto bed*"
"But he's ignoring me so I can't see his smile. ;n;"
"His smile lights up the whole room."
"'Cause I am. Nu, dun pinch my cheeks! *b---- slaps Jesse*"
"This face is so cuuteeeeeee. "
"'Cause I'm always eh."
"*pokes Jesse*"
"I'm eh."
"Jesse! *tackle huggles* How are you?"
"Ethan: I'm the hottest, coolest and best pedophile around for your information. Plus I'm way better looking than Payton. (So not true"
dogsbuddy's Recent Quiz Comments
"Courtesy 78%
The people of Courtesy are well... courteous! Ahahaha, but they're also known for being extremely determined and…"
1 -
"Edna Fire Crest 77%
resultyou are strong willed and confident. don't like following others.Usually lack sympathy but when it…"
1 -
"Your four letter word is 54%! 54%
Mean. Sorry, kiddo. Let's assume that either I suck at this or you just answered wrong, because…"
1 -
"Of course I remember you!"
1 -
"Not the best 84%
Your job will be pretty good, you will live in a townhouse. You will have only one kid, but you will be happy…"
1 -
""You are 60% genius!" 60%
You are shy in some ways and sometime outgoing but you just need to open up more and express your…"
1 -
"ai kono 76%
resultsweet shy loving and trusting you love to read and sketch out fashion and are a really nice friend to all…"
1 -
1 -
"kyoko 91%
(^_^)(^_^)ï¼ â–¼â˜†â–¼ï¼¼(^_^)(( o(^∇^)o))(*^^*…"
1 -
"Sorry I read it but didn't answer. "