I'm so freaking proud of you!! (dogsbuddy)

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jnwjfdbfjewqkojkfgfkeoqfnjnowkqjsdjdi0sowjdv0odswedfjvifdewnjjdif9vjfernjifjidr423re342ji2ervbfgreoierfvfrwiek3vjikfewfndjic jvfre3jidvjfr43njirefivfe3jiv

Created by: dogsbuddy
  1. You first started off as a friend.....
  2. Then you became my best friend....
  3. Then a best friend forever......
  4. You started to make quizzes....
  5. Then, you found out about forums.....
  6. You became more popular.....
  7. Then.......presto a front page quiz!
  8. You went to a weird newb, to a ok newb, to a awesome novice.....
  9. To a front paged quiz maker!!!!
  10. This quiz is for....
  11. Chill!!!!!!!

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