Shout 9000 (dogsbuddy)

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If you seen my shout outs you would know how this goes. irhtnp1io3rnyiumred4uy31hghfj9-oip14tn1p5imdu941-m4oui9h1-95fmiu4htnmf41i93jrh51oi4455rt4ttyye


Created by: dogsbuddy
  1. Cody17: You are kind, have an awesome music taste, and made me those caramel brownies. Let the shadows guide you, my friend.
  2. Puppetmaster12: You are funny, also kind, and helped me get Vegeta out of hell...again! I'll take Sasori for you. :P
  3. Katqueen: I know we just became friends, but you are nice, funny, and I'm never bored when you're around. Also, that bunny you made was really cool.
  4. Onlya Glitch, Catsclimbladders, Nature, and Fluffy: To me you are all are alike so I put you all together. You all are sweet, funny, and I'm hoping our friendship continues.
  5. Also, I would like to thank all of the older users on here who make sure everything is alright. Without them, this place would be the messiest website ever!
  6. That's all my shout outs, bye!

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