Would you be my new bestie-boo?

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(I'm getting showered with money). Would you be one of my bestie-boos?we all care for each other oki. Ignore bjceqbjqojke qbkj1ebcojjceqbkjec1jlchhsgm

Me and my bestie-boos have so much fun together! I hope you have fun doing this quiz and idk if this is accurate but then again, idc, bai! Bjecbjecnje

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Do you like my quizzes (take my other ones please)?
  2. Are you a baka?
  3. Do you get bullied?
  4. Favourite book?
  5. What gender do you think I am (no effect)?
  6. (GIRL NAMES) What do you think my name is (no effect)?
  7. (BOY NAMES) What do you think my name is (no effect)?
  8. Do you hate idiots?
  9. Did you have fun?
  10. Fate

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