How iconic are you?

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Heyyyyy! This is just a stupid little quiz that me and my bestie made πŸ₯° I used to be suuuuper active on this website but then stopped at some point and forgot what my account was 😭 so I guess this is my return quiz

Now, keep in mind that a lot of this is just personal opinion, and I'm kinda dumb πŸ’€also, my bestie says, "best of luck on the quiz y'all. Eat or defeat, it's all up to you!"

Created by: Louise420
  1. What is your sexuality?
  2. Out of these who is your favorite?
  3. Do you like floptok/stan twitter?
  4. How would you describe your aesthetic?
  5. Drake or Kendrick Lamar?
  6. What state do you live in?
  7. Do you have a stable/happy family?
  8. Can you walk in heels?
  9. Are you a proshipper?
  10. Do you have a hyperfixation?
  11. Are you a pick-me?
  12. How would you describe yourself best out of these?
  13. Do you use these emojis πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  14. Would you describe yourself as blursed?
  15. Thank you for taking this quiz! The council will decide your worthiness in a minute...

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Quiz topic: How iconic am I?
