How To Know Your Status As A Bestie(school edition)!

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Heyyy! Welcome to my very first quiz here, I thought it looked fun. You know, to make a quiz! So here it is, a Bestie Quiz(SCHOOL EDITION?!?) Yeah, more relatable. So, hope you have fun getting an answer or answering! Bah-bye! <3

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Created by: Leila
  1. Hiii! This is my first quiz so pls treat me nicely!
  2. ANYWAYS, on to the questions! First question, do you like your friends/friend group/best friend?
  3. What do you like to do with your friends?
  4. Okay, so here is a scenario. So your friend has been being bullied, but you don't know what to do. You don't know if you should stand up for them ?
  5. How often do you spend time with your friends/friend a day?
  6. How did you and your friend meet?
  7. Do you and your friend share the same dislikes and likes?***E.g Same music taste
  8. I need to ask you another question, so don't worry I'll stop wasting your time! How long have you been friends with them?
  9. Let's be honest here. How much friends do you really have? ??
  10. I have a very specific question.... Did you click this quiz bc it had DDLC? (Doki Doki Literature Club!) Or just bc it looked fun?
  11. Do you and your friends like school? (I don't)
  12. Scenario number 2: You and your friends are travelling to a haunted house. You feel like your friends are forcing you, but they want you to come because the whole friend group is coming along. What do you do?
  13. Now, done! Thx for visiting and have a great day/evening/morning/afternoon/night~! For everyone! Best of luck to school<3

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Quiz topic: How To Know my Status As A Bestie(school edition)!
