would we/can we be friends

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well im very desprate for friends mostly because all my friends on the outside left me when i got arrested and all my friends in here get out soon and im gonna be lonely

soo yeah i'll have no-one to talk to anymore and it's gonna be very depressing imma have to be in juvie all alone no one to hang with or beat on walls with till i go to sleep

Created by: xann2022
  1. do you like anime
  2. are you lgbtq or support it
  3. whats your aesthetic
  4. whats your gender
  5. fav music genre
  6. fav movie genre
  7. fav anime shows out of these 8
  8. fav anime movie out of these 8
  9. fav color
  10. how was the quiz (not effective)
  11. nvm but fr last question fav family movie

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