Would I be friends with you?

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wanna be friends? here is a quiz to do to see if you could be friends with me. sorry that you are lonely. no offence. i am lonely too. (no offence to my real friends i am joking) if you didn't laugh to this paragraph then you have already failed.

this quiz is for the people that want to see if they are people material. i hope you are... or stay away from civilization. please... just kidding but try your best to try and socialize

Created by: Madzzz of go to quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you Catholic? Or thinking about converting?
  2. Are you the same age group as me? (12-17)
  3. Do you like talking about boy/girl/love problems
  4. Are you okay with clingy people
  5. Do you like being silly goofy
  6. Are you okay with unhinged nicknames?
  7. Are you okay with me having other besties or friends
  8. What games do you like playing
  9. Are you asian?
  10. 5x +3 =33

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