Would I let you be the Shadow to my Sonic :3

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Hey everybody it’s ur favorite boi if ur lonely take this quiz cus I’m lonely to. If you get a high score we’ll just be friends and then we can go from there :3. I’m genderfluid+aegrosexual+omnisexual. My pronouns are: He/Her/They/Any.

WILL YA DATE ME BREATHE IF YES RECITE THE BIBLE AND JAPANESE IF NO. what the. is that actually the Bible? And you stopped BREATHING TOO???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Sonic
  1. Would you want to keep our relationship secret or no :3
  2. What’s ur gender? :3 (doesn’t really matter that much but still)
  3. What kind of date would you plan for me?
  4. What is your age group? VERY IMPORTANT (I’m a minor so leave if ur drake.)
  5. What is ur opinion on trans people?
  6. What is ur opinion on furrys/therians/otherkins/otherhearteds/quadrobists?
  7. What is ur opinion on z00s/P3d0s. (If u r them/ally them GET OUT)
  8. What would you do if I stopped helping you with chores if we moved in with eachother?
  9. What kind of pet names would we use. (As a joke cus that would be weird lol)
  10. Would you play SonicXShadow Generations with me? :3
  11. Do you want kids?

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