Are you meant to be with Sonic, Shadow or Silver?

In this quiz you actually find out which Sonic character is meant to be with you. The choices are Sonic, Shadow, and Silver the hedgehog. This test will determine who is perfect for you.

Do play by your own rules like Sonic? Are a misunderstood emo like Shadow? Or are you gullible and sensitive like Silver? Of all the quizzes, this one may be the best! Enjoy!

Created by: Nataly Negroni
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of these would you date?
  2. Choose a power you would wish to have...
  3. RP-Sonic and you are hanging out, after you just kicked Eggman's a**! He leans in to kiss you. You...
  4. Which of these nice ladies would be your bestest and closest friend?
  5. How do you describe yourself?
  6. Which would be your greatest nemesis(did I spell that right? I think I spelled it right...)?
  7. Pick a song (from these)
  8. Pick a color.
  9. What weapon would you prefer?
  10. Next question. Just joking, it's over! (it's not in the same order with the characters...)

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Quiz topic: Am I meant to be with Sonic, Shadow or Silver?