Tag: Sonic Boyfriend
- Oct 2, '18
- by Sara BOOM
- Dec 28, '18
- by I'm not edgy
- Who in Sonic Would You Date?
- Mar 21, '16
- by Swiftheart
This is a quiz to figure who you would date in the Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise so see who ya get and take the test!!!
- Which Sonic boy would date you?
- Oct 19, '14
- by NovaTheHedgehog
(This quiz is for girls ONLY) Have you ever wonder which Sonic boy would date, your perfect match or some of us prefer…
- Does Shadow love you?
- Apr 30, '14
- by MidnightMare247
There are many Shadow the hedgehog fangirls out there, who could onky hope and dream that Shadow would just pop out the…
- What Sonic Character would date you?
- Jun 2, '20
- by Smokeclaw07
Greetings my fellow Sonic fans! I came up with a nice 16 question quiz to determine which Sonic male you can date. This is my…
- Are you Shadow's lover or Sonic's lover?
- Mar 27, '14
- by MidnightMare247
There are many people out there who have different opinions, and there are many girls out there who likes different kinds of…
- Your Date With Shadow The Hedgehog
- Apr 24, '12
- by somebody
This quiz is designed for all the Shadow lovers out there who love to day dream about dating him. (please don't take it as an…
- Are you meant to be with Sonic, Shadow or Silver?
- Sep 9, '12
- by Nataly Negroni
In this quiz you actually find out which Sonic character is meant to be with you. The choices are Sonic, Shadow, and Silver the…
- Which Sonic Male Character would date you?
- Aug 24, '12
- by ManicFanGirl95
Sonic, Silver, Tails, Knuckles or Shadow. Who will be your dream boyfriend? Find out in this awesome quiz and let me know who…
- What would Miles Tails Prower think of you
- Dec 12, '14
- by Sydney Bench
Are you a Tails the fox fan?! Have you ever wondered how he felt about you?! He has expectations for people to meet for him to…
- What Would Shadow Think Of You?(girls Only)
- Mar 20, '14
- by Insanity
Are you a Shadow The Hedgehog fan? Do you believe that you would be something beautiful in his eyes, or just an annoying…
- Who is your Sonic character Soulmate
- Jul 4, '15
- by Emerald_the_Hedgehog
Hey you! Yeah im talking to you stop wastin your life and just waste five minutes. Find your soulmate fow life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
- Which Sonic Character Would Date You?
- May 24, '09
- by Tiffany
THIS IS A GIRLS ONLY QUIZ! Unless you are gay T_T. If you take this quiz and are a Sonic fan, you might find out which Sonic…
- Would Sonic, Silver, or Shadow date you?
- Feb 14, '15
- by Noel Garnet
Hi there! I am the goddess of non-canon pairings, Noel Garnet! This is sort of a re-upload of my quiz on TheOtaku.com. This…
- Does Shadow the hedgehog love you?
- Mar 11, '10
- by Marissa
(For Shadow fangirls only unless you are gay) Have you always wondered if Shadow the hedgehog were real, would he love you?…
- Does Shadow luv u?
- Apr 11, '11
- by Shadowissexy
There are many girls who think they love Shadow the Hedgehog, only does Shadow love YOU? This is a GIRLS ONLY QUIZ. Unless your…
- Which Sonic Character Loves You
- Aug 20, '14
- by hallie
There are many people that have a question lingering on their tongues, but are simply too afraid to ask. So if you answer this…
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