Which Sonic Character Loves You

There are many people that have a question lingering on their tongues, but are simply too afraid to ask. So if you answer this 12 question quiz, you can find out: which sonic GUY loves you!

So, does sonic love you? Or perhaps tails? Or maybe even knuckles! Take this quiz and find out which character loves you out of: sonic, manic , shadow, silver, tails and knuckles! Enjoy!

Created by: hallie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite hobby?
  2. What your favorite film?
  3. Hair colour?
  4. Where would you go on a date?
  5. Favorite animal?
  6. What's your favorite game?
  7. Favorite shoe brand?
  8. Eye colour?
  9. Favorite sonic girl.
  10. Favorite thing!!!

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