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Are you a loner? Or do your friends call you one? Well prove them wrong or right with this quiz!! I just want to say its fine if you ever feel lonely if that's when playing a game with your friends or if thats not getting invited to a party because we all feel lonely quite a bit of the time and thats just something we do!!

Also please dont take this too seriously! i dont want this quiz to come off wrong!!! Also please dont mind any spelling mistakes if ive made any!! Thanks for clicking this quiz as well x

Created by: Pauline
  1. How do you spend your time when you get home for work/school?
  2. What do you do on the weekend?
  3. Do you have depression and or anxiety?
  4. What do you think your friends think about you?
  5. How do you show your emotions?
  6. whats you average screen time? (check iPhone settings not laptop/pc) CLICK NONE IF YOU EDIT A LOT ON YOUR IPOHNE
  7. How much do you speak to family? (click none if they live far away)
  8. Do you compare yourself to other people?
  9. Do you think your not a loner?
  10. What do you see in this scrambled word first?olnver

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Quiz topic: Am I A LONER??
