Would we be friends?

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Hello there!I made this quiz because I’m bored hehe. I hope you enjoy it and make sure to check out the other quizzes I’ve made. Idk what else to put here lol.

As well as I enjoy reading whatever you have to comment. No hate, though please, and inform me if you want me to make for me to make mor quizzes in the future! Thanks

Created by: RippleCloud
  1. First of all, Hello!
  2. What is your favourite colour?
  3. Are you queer/do you support the LGBT community?
  4. Do you support the furry community?
  5. Cats or dogs?
  6. Do you like Warrior cats?
  7. Do you like coding/computers?
  8. Another furry question: do you know what a protogen is?
  9. Do you like Godzilla? :)
  10. Are you a YouTube person?
  12. Do you own a cat?
  13. Do you like Axolotls?
  14. Do you know what Project Ahrrythmia is?
  15. Minecraft or Roblox?
  16. Do you like bedwars?
  17. Finally, NevEr GOnnA GivE YOu uP- *countinues Rick-rolling you hehe*
  18. SIKE! NOT THE LAST QUESTION! 3 MORE TO GO HAHA! (Doesn’t count for points)
  19. Do you like FNAF?
  20. Do you like water/swimming?
  21. Actually the final question: do you like Kiwi?

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