Which one of my warrior cats ocs are you?

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So, I put this quiz together, and I wanna see which of my ocs you are! I have four ocs that have four, distinct personalities. My sister's favourite is Blossomheart! Hope you like this.

So, I hope that you enjoy this quiz! I will have more ocs in the future, so I might make another one! Thank you for everyone that made quizzes like this that inspired me!

Created by: Anna
  1. Do you like adventure?
  2. Are you shy?
  3. Do you like battle?
  4. Are you confident?
  5. Are you leader material?
  6. Do you like climbing?
  7. Are you likely the one to make peace during battle?
  8. Pick these traits you are irl.
  9. Pick a random emoji 😄💩👻
  10. What is your fav colour?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my warrior cats ocs am I?

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