What revolutionary icon are you?

Revolutions are as ingrained in history as the people behind them. The most grotesque war crimes are often committed in times of rebellion. From the Reign of Terror in France, to the assassination of the Czar's family in Russia, to the death of Ghadafi in Libya. Humanity seems to drag its leaders through the streets when they fail their citizenry.
Revolutionary Icons come in all types. From the Marxist militarism of Trotsky, to the antislavery battles of Bolivar, or even the Fascist coupe of Mussolini; they are all Revolutionary movements with there own leaders. Here we focus on five very different leaders. Gandhi, who through nonviolent resistance helped create an independent India. Che Guevara, leading Marxist guerrillas he was an indispensable aide in the Cuban Revolution, and continued fighting the global revolution until his death. George Washington, who led the Yankees to victory over the Redcoats in the American Revolution. Jefferson Davis, president the CSA, was the leader of a failed revolution to support State's rights. Adolf Hitler, a veteran of the Great War, he fought to try and reestablish the glory of Germany.