Would we be friends?

Hi and welcome to my quiz! I've made two other quizzes so please play ' are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert?', ' what animal are you?' And there's this one to.please check newest quizzes for them.

OK so that's all the main stuff and also please comment, rate and share this for my sake please 🙏 OK now go ... OH WAIT .............If your not happy with your results, DONT make a fuss or war in the comments.

Created by: Mich elle
  1. What's your zodiac?
  2. What's your zodiac ( continued)?
  3. What is your favorite out of these songs?
  4. HI GIRLY!!!!!!!!
  5. Finish the lyrics of my favorite song. I'm unstoppable ______________________
  6. What's a good trait about you?
  7. What's a bad trait about you?
  8. What are you?
  9. What's your favorite subject out of these?
  10. Did you like my quiz ( may affect the results)
  11. Please read the entrance paragraphs
  12. Bye!

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