What animal are you?

Hello and welcome to my quiz! I've made one quiz before, if you go to new quizzes and scroll a bit you may see my first quiz titled 'are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert. ' Please check it! Any way hope you enjoy!

Okay so that is all of the important stuff and gobcheck out my other quiz please and please rate and share both of my quizzes for my sake.;) okay now get on with the quiz!

Created by: Mich elle
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. Pick a good trait about you.
  3. What's a bad trait about you?
  4. What colour out of these is your favorite?
  5. What's your favorite food?
  6. What is your job/ what do you want to be ?
  7. What's your birthday range?
  8. What's your zodiac sign?
  9. What's your zodiac sign ( continued)?
  10. What do you think you will get?
  11. Did you enjoy my quiz?
  12. Can you read the paragraphs at the beginning? May affect the results

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?
