Are you an Introvert or an Extrovert?

Some people are introverts. Some people are extroverts. Some people are somewhere in the middle. So how can you tell which personality type you are? Just answer the questions below to find out!

Before you begin, please keep in mind that this quiz isn’t meant to be 100% accurate. Introverted and extroverted behavior can often be more complex than what can fit into a few questions.

Created by: Anna
  1. You’ve just arrived home from a long day at school/work. How do you recharge yourself?
  2. Do you like being the center of attention?
  3. You’re talking with someone new. Do you speak or listen more?
  4. How do you feel about meeting new people?
  5. What would you rather have?
  6. You’re at a party where you don’t really know anyone. What do you do?
  7. It’s your birthday! How are you doing to celebrate?
  8. How do you feel when big social plans get cancelled?
  9. Which do you do more often?
  10. Lastly: which one do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Am I an Introvert or an Extrovert?

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