Where Do You Fall on the Introvert/Extrovert Scale? (2020)

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Each person has their own way of reacting to certain situations or thinking. These personality traits are put on a scale to better help describe who exactly you are. This scale is most well known by the terms "introvert" and "extrovert".

Have you ever wondered where you fall on this scale? Have you ever taken quizzes and felt like you may not explicitly fit on one side or the other? Take this quiz and see just where you fit on this scale.

Created by: Yoi Morgan
  1. You're meeting someone for the first time. You...
  2. You're invited to a party. You only know the person who invited you, but you don't really know the other guests. You feel...
  3. You're waiting for your number to be called so you can get your food. However, you've seen people who paid after you get their food first. You...
  4. You're going out on a first date. You...
  5. You have to do a group project. How do you feel about it?
  6. When you're meeting new people, you most likely feel...
  7. You're late for a meeting. You...
  8. If a friend cancels plans with you, how would you react?
  9. Do you enjoy being alone?
  10. When you're in public, you'd rather be...
  11. If you need to focus on something important, you need...
  12. When it comes to phone calls, they make you feel...
  13. If you had the choice, you would rather...
  14. Of the following, what would you most likely describe yourself as?
  15. Your friends describe you as....
  16. What makes you feel "recharged"?
  17. You'd rather live...
  18. Do you have a hard time sitting still and being quiet?
  19. How do you feel about eye contact?
  20. Are you able to handle confrontation well?
  21. If you make a joke and someone doesn't hear it, you...
  22. Do you prefer to have a set schedule, or just go with the flow?
  23. If someone starts up a conversation about something you don't know, you...
  24. If someone asks you for help time and time again, you...
  25. If you can't find something, you're more likely to...

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Quiz topic: Where do I Fall on the Introvert/Extrovert Scale? (2020)
