Random Introvert or Extrovert quiz!

Hello! This is exactly what it sounds like. A random introvert or extrovert quiz. This is most likely not accurate. Just answer to the questions truthfully.

I was bored when making this. It is just a random personality test. It is pretty simple. This needs to be 155 characters long TwT sooooooooooooooooooooooo have fun!

Created by: Quiz whiz
  1. Hope your ready
  2. What are you doing right now?
  3. Do you like working in groups?
  4. Are you more likely to:
  5. How many close friends do you have?
  6. Favorite location out of these
  7. Favorite animal
  8. Favorite color?
  9. Almost done Are you popular or unpopular if you go to school
  10. Bright colors or natural colors
  11. What is your mood most of the time?
  12. Fate!

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